
The life, creations and adventures of a history student.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pondering Titanic and Tea

So, I am currently working on a paper for a the History of Canadian Popular Culture from 1850.  I am writing about tea and its implications on Canadian society.  It is proving to be interesting, as I am drawing from etiquette and respectability as well as imperialism and the popular notion of Canada as being "British Canada."  Hopefully I get a coherent paper and an thesis that makes sense - and perhaps I will drink more tea, as it seems that writing about tea fuels the desire to drink tea.

Also, my parents sent me reproduction newspapers about the sinking of the Titanic.  I got them last night and have not had the opportunity to look intently at them.  I did notice in my skimming though, the disparity between the different newspapers and their reports on the same incident - one paper claims that everyone on the ship was safe, and that other ships will be coming to the passenger's aid.  More papers proclaim the number of dead, although the numbers vary greatly from 800 to 1800.  I find this altogether very intriguing.

1 comment:

  1. As a serious tea drinker I have to say that your paper sounds very interesting. And the media frequently gets the facts wrong. Whether it's today or in the past. Some things never change.
