
The life, creations and adventures of a history student.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Waxing Philosophical and a Skirt

I have not been doing so well at maintaining my keener academic status lately... I haven't done any substantial research for my honours thesis in almost 3 weeks, I have somehow forgotten to do readings for my classes, I don't study French and I took an entire week to write a 5-page (double spaced) paper. Its just sad. Also I forget that I need to get groceries.
I have been looking to distract myself from the craziness that is life and school, when really I should just be using school to distract me from all the stuff that has been happening in life lately.
The future has seemed really close and important lately - part of the reason I haven't felt the necessity to push myself into schoolwork has come from the need to get stuff ready for grad school applications. The decision to finish my undergrad by August 2014 was rather last minute, and then came all the stuff that goes with it - like being able to assert what you are going to research and what it contributes to the field of history before you have even started. I have never spent so much time editing and re-hashing a single page of work. Ever.
In my desire to ensure that I have everything set for the next 2 years of my life, I have forgotten the things I need to focus on in the present; which , incidentally, have an impact on the future.

In an attempt to distract myself this weekend I decided to sew a skirt, because what else does one do with there are other, more important things that they should be dealing with? (It is supposed to be 1930s inspired.)

Okay, I am off to make myself a schedule... and have a nap.

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